Spiritual Hygiene
Life is hard. There are so many hurdles and unexpected challenges that we are confronted with on a daily basis. These challenges come in many forms ranging from how we...

Money Drawing Magic

The Truth about Love Magic

The Importance of elders
Money Drawing Magic
Using Conjure To Open The Roads
When our roads are closed the smallest goal seems difficult to accomplish, we feel stagnant and we can develop a pessimistic outlook. When our roads are open, new opportunities are easy to find, travel is likely and new projects are completed with ease. Road opening workings address the condition of your roads by attracting positive paths and shutting down any negative paths.
Nail A Enemy Down Preventing Them From Working Against You
What you will need: Black seven day candle Railroad spike Black string or ribbon 2...
Amongst practitioners of hoodoo, the Bible is often referred to as the most powerful conjure...
Using The Power of The Full Moon
The best methods to use in your spiritual practice are the methods that work for...